
Terroir, and one more love letter to Canada

October 18, 2012

I find it heartening that even though internet and global economic infrastructure gives me access to just about anything I covet or desire, actually being somewhere is still a special experience.

Sure I can listen online to a radio station from Canada, but it’s woven into part of the fabric of life here.

I can order my favorite treat from some other city or country and have it shipped to me, drink wine from Spain, but it will never compare to walking into that cafe and experiencing that thing in its native environment, with its natives or all by myself.

Like enjoying cheese curds. Shouldn’t be done outside of Wisconsin.

My love letter to Detroit will come.

Meanwhile, I’ll be grieving losing my proximity to our neighbor to the north and its  adorableness.

NHL season has still not begun, but the lead-off on all Canadian stations:  “What are the hockey players doing while they are not playing?” Of course, the answer is, “Waiting to play hockey!”

“Winds gusting to 80 kilometers per hour.”   What!? Oh, right…

“It’s 6:05, and 6:35 in Newfoundland.  Haha! What!?

Oh, yeah. k.d. lang.  Thank you, Canada.

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